Thursday, October 18, 2012


Hi everyone!

   After having read the technology tip, I opened the account on It was rather easy, especially because of the possibility to sign in using my Facebook account.
Anyway, I must admit that the site did not grow on me at first, but I start to see some good sides of it. For example, I could share my bookmarks with all my collegues.

Regarding the sites we were to explore for listening and speaking  exercises, I want to point out some of them that I like the most
www.onestopenglish - excellent lesson plans great listening exercises all done to fulfill the three type exercises; it can be used for different levels of knowledge and age

 For further developing skills, I can strongly recommend:

It has many topics with many great and interesting exercises. Hope you will enjoy it.


  1. Hello Ivana,

    Thank you for sharing

    It is a really great skills-developing online aid. I love it. It is practical, ready-made, user-friendly - in one word - just what we need considering the shortage of time we are facing when preparing for lessons.

    I can't wait to see more interesting ideas and suggestions in your blogs.


  2. Dear Ivana

    It's great to be with you on this web-platform and getting opportunity to exchange ideas and resources that we are getting from each other. Curiosity and Communication through the web-portal are now are tools. Who want's to miss this chance? I too explore the www.onestopenglish - excellent lesson plans and These webpages enable us to be ready with Internet and the Language Classroom.
    I would like to share with you a link that contains article from issues of FORUM dating back to 1993 and helps us to search the online archive -


    1. Thanks Jayshree, I will surely check it.
